Ok so our last post caught you up with our adventures in Dublin this one will give you an overview of what happened from then until we left Albania. As we covered some of the stuff in Kosovo and Albania there will be less time on these topics as far as words go but I just wanted to give you some more pictures from that part of our trip. The next post will be from Cheryl and she will tell you about more reccent travels that is the past 2 weeks in Rome.
When we left Dublin we caught a bus north to Northern Ireland. We arrived in Belfast and went on a city tour. I had been there before but Cheryl hadn't and so it was interesting for her to see first hand the locations of what the Northern Irish call "the troubles". By this ofcourse they mean the 20-30 years of conflict between the IRA and the Brittish government. While most of the region was free of military conflict the city center and certain neighborhoods in Belfast were a constant war zone. This doesn't mean that there was constant fighting but rather that they were under constant strict military supervision to prevent fighting.
Things we take for granted were not posssible there. While driving around it was amazing to see all the beautiful new ways people were using glass in their construction. Prior to the past few years no one dared use glass facades on a building because it would be an obvious target for a car bombing. That means all of downtown Vancouver would be out of the question.
Political Murals - A tradition from the time of the Troubles in Northern Ireland

After Scotland we hit the road yet again for Croatia that picks us up to the part of the journey which we have blogged more about and so from here on it will mostly be pictures.
The next several shots are from our travels in Croatia
These next shots are from around Albania and Kosovo
He was an Albanian who led a revolt against the
Turkish Empire and freed Albania for several decades.
To be fair while it is very bad in some places
this is the worst due to recent construction.
such blending of the old world with the new.
A wedding in Prishtina, Kosovo.
Dancing in the streets to celebrate a wedding is very common. Dancing in circles holding hands at many occasions is loved by Albanians - in Albania and Kosovo!
is designed to communicate that the Albanian mind has never truly
been free to express itself due to the oppression of outside peoples.
villages where we showed the Jesus Film.
Kosovo Crisis it is common to find things all over Kosovo dedicated to him.